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WebPT EMR + Billing: Two-way Integration

Some patient demographic information updated in WebPT Billing will automatically be updated in the patient's record in the WebPT EMR.

Important: If information is entered into an empty integrated field, it will populate in the WebPT EMR. Also, if any of the required fields are not completed in WebPT Billing (or are invalid), the data will not import into the WebPT EMR.
The following fields can be edited in WebPT Billing and subsequently sent to and updated in the WebPT EMR:
Patient Responsible Party Referring Physician
  • First Name
  • Last Name
  • Address1
  • Address2
  • City
  • State
  • Zip
  • DOB
  • Gender
Home Phone, Cell Phone, and Work Phone fields are not included in the two-way integration.

  • First Name
  • Last Name
  • Address 1
  • Address 2
  • City
  • State
  • ZIP Code
Responsible Party Phone is not included in the two-way integration.
  • First Name
  • Last Name
  • NPI

Editing Patient Information

  1. Search for the patient from the Search BarNote: if you are unable to locate the patient from the patient search, check your Claims Feed Report and your Billing Exceptions   
  2. Once you are in the patient chart, click Edit Patient at the bottom-right corner.

Edit Patient Profile

The patient profile consists of three sections; Patient Information, Emergency Contact, and Responsible Party.

Patient Information

This section consists of basic demographic information related to the patient.

The fields outlined in red below are two-way integrated. Remember, Home Phone, Cell Phone, and Work Phone fields are not included in the two-way integration, so make any updates directly in the WebPT EMR. 

Other Patient Information
Scroll down to the Other Patient Information area of the Patient Information section to make additional updates. The fields outlined in red below are two-way integrated.

Responsible Party  

The responsible party information that was imported from the EMR will be listed. If the responsible party is different from the patient, add or edit the fields as needed. The fields outlined in red below are two-way integrated. Remember, Responsible Party Phone is not included in the two-way integration, so make any updates directly in the WebPT EMR. 

Referring Physicians 

The Referring Physician is attached to the patient's case and can be edited by opening the case. 

  1. Click Cases from the to menu or scroll down to the Cases section.
  2. Double-click on the case to open. 
  3. Select the Edit Case button at the bottom right corner of your screen. 
  4. In the Patient’s Physicians section, click the “X” or click the Search Icon to make changes. 
  5. The referring physician update will be reflected in the patient's case.
  6. Click Save to only save the changes made to the case. Alternatively, if the charges for this case were previously billed with the incorrect referring physician, you can use the Save & Rebill option.
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