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Patient With Visits Prior to WebPT

This step must occur prior to finalizing the Placeholder Initial Exam.

If you are adding a patient to WebPT that has had prior visits, you will need to add the visit number to their case. This will allow the Progress Note alert and the visit count field to display appropriately. 

  1. In the Patient's chart, select Patient Info.
  2. In the Cases tab, add the case or edit the existing case.
  3. Include the visit count, located at the bottom of the Case window. Click Ok to save.
  4. Save the patient. 
Field Not Appearing on Case

Once a note is finalized in the patient chart, you cannot update or edit the visit count on the patient's case and the field will disappear. If the visit count was entered incorrectly and a note has already been finalized on the patient case, contact WebPT support for assistance.

To fully prepare an existing patient's chart, you must also fill out a placeholder initial exam.
  1. How to Create a Placeholder Initial Exam for an Existing Medicare Patient
  2. How to Create a Placeholder Initial Exam for an Existing Non-Medicare Patient
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