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Patient Balance from Therabill

View the patient’s outstanding balance when collecting payments. The balance is representative of all sessions related to the patient and is not case-specific. Note that this information is only available to Members with the WebPT + Therabill integration.


Let’s review how to locate the balance.

  1. From the dashboard, click View Schedule.
  2. Open the patient’s appointment and select Check In. If the patient has an outstanding balance in Therabill, the Collect Payment window will automatically open. If the patient does not have an outstanding balance, but you’d like to enter a payment, click Payment.
  3. The patient’s balance in Therabill will be available in the Balance from billing system section.
  4. Recently added payments may not be reflected in this balance immediately.

Why is my patient showing a N/A balance?

This indicates that the patient has not been found in Therabill. This typically occurs when a patient has just been created in the EMR and their information hasn’t flowed into Therabill via the integration yet.

Balance Calculations

Let’s review how the patient’s outstanding balance is calculated. Please note: a patient can have a negative balance due. This could be a sign that something may have been entered incorrectly in Therabill. Please review the applied payments for the patient's sessions.

Included Sessions

To be included in this calculation the session must meet the following criteria:

  • The session must be Closed to Insurance
  • The session can’t have a Client Not Billable session class

For more information on session statuses, click here.


Total Charges - Insurance Payments - Client Payments - Agency Payments - Adjustments =  Balance from billing system

Example Calculation

  • Total Charges: $1,200
  • Insurance Payments: $634
  • Client Payments: $160
  • Agency Payments: $0
  • Adjustments: $265

Balance from billing system = $1,200 - $634 - $160 - $0 - $265

Balance from billing system =  $141 

Total Charges Sum of all charge amounts for the service lines related to included sessions. This information is calculated based on the amounts established in your Therabill Fee Schedule. 
Insurance Payments Total payments made by the insurance company that has been applied to a specific service line/DOS
Client Payments Total payments made by the client/patient that have been assigned to a specific service line/DOS, this does not include unassigned client payments
Agency Payments Agency (school, lawyer) payments that have been assigned to a specific service line/DOS
Unassigned Payments Client/Patient payments that have not yet been assigned to a specific service line/date of service but have been entered into WebPT and have flown into Therabill.
Adjustments The amount you are reducing the charge amount by, as entered in the adjustment box when posting payments. This can be directed by the insurance company or at the billers discretion. 
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