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How to Enable Therapy Modifiers (GP/GO/GN)

Therapy Modifiers (GP/GO/GN) are informational CPT modifiers that refer to plans of care for outpatient rehabilitation services. They should never be used with codes that are not on the list of applicable therapy services.

  • GP: Physical Therapy services
  • GO: Occupational Therapy services
  • GN: Speech Therapy services
Note: This option is checked by default for Medicare insurance types.

Enable Therapy Modifiers (GP/GO/GN)

Therapy Modifiers are enabled/disabled within the Insurance (Payer) Settings for each insurance. To make changes to therapy modifiers (GP/GO/GN), you'll need Insurance Admin permissions. Click here to learn more about Insurance (Payer) Settings.

  1. From the Insurance Manager tab, click Add Insurance when adding a new insurance or Display Insurance to edit existing insurance.
    1. When editing existing insurances, use the Insurance Search to find the insurance payer you would like to edit. 

    2. Click the Edit link, to open the Insurance Settings for the existing insurance.

  2. Then select Apply Therapy Modifiers in the Settings section. 
  3. Click Add Insurance or Save Insurance at the bottom to update the Insurance (Payer) Settings.
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