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Collaborate MD Claims Feed Report Errors

If you are utilizing our WebPT/Collaborate MD integration, it's important to check your Claims Feed Report on a daily basis. This report is accessible under the Reports section on the left side of WebPT.

Common Error Codes

Error Code Meaning How to Correct
Daily Note marked as No Charges This Visit Error in WebPT - NC001 No Charge is marked on Daily Note If billing for this DOS, an addendum must be completed to unselect the No Charge box. Finalize and Rebill.
Primary Insurance Does Not Have Alternate ID Error in WebPT - the Alternate ID in the insurance does not match the code in Collaborate MD for the patient’s Primary Insurance Update either WebPT EMR or Collaborate MD so that the Alternate ID of the insurance matches the sequence number in Collaborate MD.
Secondary Insurance Does Not Have Alternate ID Error in WebPT - the Alternate ID in the insurance does not match the code in Collaborate MD for the patient’s Secondary Insurance Update either WebPT EMR or Collaborate MD so that the Alternate ID of the insurance matches the sequence number in Collaborate MD.
Invalid DX Code - 000.00 Error in WebPT - Treatment Diagnosis code or Diagnosis code contains 000.00: Unknown Addend the note to remove the 00.000 code. Finalize and rebill.
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