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Campaigns: Engage with Active Patients

Strong communication throughout the course of care plays an instrumental role in fostering lasting patient-provider relationships—which can lead to more satisfied patients. Happy patients are more likely to experience better outcomes, rave about you to their friends, and perhaps even come back to your clinic in the future. Start by welcoming new patients to your clinic.

  1. Launch Reach Standard directly from WebPT by clicking the lightning bolt icon.
  2. Open the Campaigns tab.
  3. Click Engage Active Patients.
  4. Select a campaign.
  5. Toggle ON to activate.
  6. Click View Details to see the patient segment, email message, and automation timing.

Welcome Email

Say hello! Welcoming patients to your clinic in this way serves two purposes. First, it recognizes the positive action they took to get treatment at your clinic. Second, it familiarizes them with your email messaging in a no-pressure environment, so when they are eventually asked to take a survey or give a referral, they know what to expect.

Welcome Email Campaign Details

Who: All Patients

All patients

What: Welcome Message

This refers to the email that is displayed in the preview window. The Send Preview button will send a sample email to the email address associated with your WebPT account.

When: 2 days after initial evaluation

The welcome email will be sent out two days after their initial evaluation was created.

Custom Workflow

Are you ready for more? Custom workflows are beyond the scope of Reach Standard. However, Reach Plus or Reach Premium allow you to design and create endless varieties of campaigns, target specific audiences, and send out relevant content, it even includes a next-level, interactive home exercise program. Click here to learn more.

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