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Analytics Management Overview

The Management section allows you to handle KPI goals, clinic naming conventions, user auditing, and user roles. You also have the option to export a complete list of all patients.


KPI/Goal Management

In this section, you can set KPI goals at the account level and for each clinic. This process can also be accomplished from the KPI dashboard, as described here. This link also includes suggested goals for some KPIs as a starting point.

Clinic Alias

Choose how you want your clinic names to appear in the Analytics portal and across all exported data. This is especially helpful in By Clinic comparison charts. Use the Update Names button to save any changes to the clinic nomenclature.

User Management

The User Management analysis grid primarily serves as an audit log for users and their permissions. This report also includes the Last Login date and whether the user is active or inactive. While this report has no date range, you can use filters to establish one if you’d like to view Last Log in or Last Modified user data for a specific time frame.

User Role Management

This section allows you to assign a user to a specific role that allows them to view a particular set of reports. You can also completely customize which reports a user can access. Users can be assigned to more than one role. To update 5 or more user roles at once click here.

Click here to learn more about customizing user permissions.

Patient Lists

This analysis grid contains a complete list of all patients including demographic, contact, and insurance information. You can filter the list to include only Active, Inactive, or Discharged patients using the drop-down at the top of the page. Because this is an analysis-grid style report, you can manipulate the report to find specific information.

Use the download icon to download this list.

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