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Add Clinic Location to a User Profile

Users with User Manager permissions can add clinic locations to other WebPT user profiles. However, you can only provide access to clinic locations that you also have access to. For example, if your company has three clinics, Bethesda, DC, and Arlington, and you have access to DC and Bethesda, you cannot provide access to the Arlington clinic. Click here to learn how to Copy User Profiles and Clinics to another user.

  1. Select your clinic name in the upper right corner of WebPT select User Manager.
  2. Find the user that needs to be updated and click the Edit link.
  3. Click on the Clinic(s) drop-down in the Profile Permissions section and select the new clinic location(s).
  4. Verify or change the User's Home (default) clinic.
  5. Click Save User.

Note: To remove a clinic location from a user profile, a Decision Maker from within that clinic must reach out to WebPT Support and specify the user profile and clinic(s) that need to be removed.

Switching Clinic Locations

To change which clinic you're currently logged into, click on the Clinics: drop-down menu and select the clinic location you want to view. The clinic you're currently logged into will be highlighted in blue.

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