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Add or Edit Patient Address

Patient Addresses are located in the patient chart under Patient Info.

  1. Once in the patient chart, click on Patient Info.
  2. Click on the Add Addresses link in the Addresses tab.
  3. Fill in the required address fields and any additional information.
  4. Use Additional Info Field for any notes that would pertain to this area such as a seasonal residence location or the dates the patient resides at that address.

Address Notes:

  • United States Addresses must include a 5 or 9 digit Postal Code (Zip code). 

  • Addresses outside the United States have no validation requirements.

  • When only a single address is added, it will default to Primary. Otherwise, you will need to select Set As Primary if more than one address is added to the patient record

  • Leading and ending spaces can cause integration failure.

  • If necessary you may Add Addresses or Edit an existing one.



  • Only the address marked as Primary integrates.

WebPT Billing

  • Only the address marked as Primary integrates.
  • A 9-digit Postal Code is required for: (1) Medicare patients, (2) DME patients, (3) Patients treated at home
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